Wait Without Hope

I don’t remember where, but I came across some article about how to write blog posts if you’re trying to grow your authorial platform. Of course you have to write about writing, but, according to the article, no one wants to read about what you’re writing. You have to write advice posts for the readers,…… Continue reading Wait Without Hope

an I Want song

I remembered a dream today. That isn’t anything particularly extraordinary about that, so maybe I should rephrase: I had a dream I wanted to remember today. When I woke up, I was still full of the dream-feeling, so I clung to my dream-memory with my waking brain’s fingernails until I was awake enough to type…… Continue reading an I Want song

Writer Life | If A Storyteller Yells About Things In the Forest

Martha Wells’s Network Effect, the fifth Murderbot story and the first full-length Murderbot novel, dropped this Tuesday. I’ve only read (and loved) the first novella, but I’m automatically excited for more Murderbot. I like robots who feel things. Like robots who feel things, I also feel things but fail to appreciate, understand, or respond appropriately…… Continue reading Writer Life | If A Storyteller Yells About Things In the Forest

Writer Life | Revision (or lack thereof) Check-In

You could probably tell by the date this will be posted (Monday, not Saturday or even Sunday) that I haven’t been doing much writing. There are good reasons for that, which make no sense to me emotionally and which I refuse to accept as an excuse or justification. This being a time of global unease…… Continue reading Writer Life | Revision (or lack thereof) Check-In

Writer Life | Revisions Check-In no. 1

If it makes you feel any better, I didn’t do any novel-revising on the days I should have been novel-revising, either, just like I didn’t spend my blog-writing days blog-writing. Weekends are the pits and I should not try to make Saturday my blog day. What’s wrong with Wednesdays? Maybe I’ll shift them to Wednesdays.…… Continue reading Writer Life | Revisions Check-In no. 1