an I Want song

I remembered a dream today. That isn’t anything particularly extraordinary about that, so maybe I should rephrase: I had a dream I wanted to remember today. When I woke up, I was still full of the dream-feeling, so I clung to my dream-memory with my waking brain’s fingernails until I was awake enough to type…… Continue reading an I Want song

Storycraft Review | The Thief & Slow Burn Stories

I didn’t like The Thief the first time I read it. That’s the simplest way to describe my reaction to it, anyway. It’s not exactly that I was bored by it, although there was an element of boredom. Maybe it’s that I was confused by it. I didn’t know what it was trying to do.…… Continue reading Storycraft Review | The Thief & Slow Burn Stories

Storycraft Exercise | Meander Spiral Explode Experiment no. 2

Structure no.2: The Wavelet What Alison Says A Wavelet structure, as might be easily guessed, is similar to the Wave, in that the arc is its primary structural shape. Unlike the Wave, the Wavelet structure is made up of multiple little Waves, not just one big one. In my notes, I wrote down, Narrative energy…… Continue reading Storycraft Exercise | Meander Spiral Explode Experiment no. 2

Storycraft Exercise | Meander Spiral Explode Experiment no.1

Five weeks ago, I reviewed Jane Alison’s Meander Spiral Explode, a book about alternate plot structures from the tried-and-true three-act arc. I mentioned that, for my next handful of Storycraft posts, I’d be putting Alison’s theories into practice: for each structure she suggests, I’ll be writing either a short story, a drabble or two for…… Continue reading Storycraft Exercise | Meander Spiral Explode Experiment no.1

Storycraft | Review: Meander Spiral Explode by Jane Alison

There are no rules that govern what books I end up feeling fond feelings for. I want to say that one hard fast rule is that the characters are great. But that’d be a lie, because I can remember, in recent memory, telling someone or saying in a review, “The characters weren’t great but that…… Continue reading Storycraft | Review: Meander Spiral Explode by Jane Alison